About Flameworx
Stuck at home in the early parts of Covid-19, 2020 the proprietor of Flameworx, Robb Tindall, got the idea to build himself a family firepit for the backyard. Not one to stick to the 'norm' he sure wasn't about to just place a few rocks in a circle or an old truck wheel on the ground and call it good so Robb headed to the fabrication table in his shop.
Robb and his son.
Being a bit of a perfectionist there were many ideas scrapped into the recycling bin beside the drawing table before he even got his hands dirty, but when the firepit was completed what was sitting on top of the welding table was more of a work of art than a chunk of metal. Robb was proud, very proud, and showed off his work to many friends and family. The amount of interest he received amazed him and couldn't help but think to himself "is there a market for this?".
Research was the next task and the answer was a resounding YES! Not only did this type of firepit seem to be a hot item but firepit fabricators seemed few and far between where Robb resides in the beautiful Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada. Both demand and a lack of supply were in his favour and Robb threw up a feeler ad on FB Marketplace and before he knew it he had orders coming in. He sold the pit he'd built for himself and kept on building... wouldn't you know it, he was busy!

An early Flameworx firepit on the welding table
It wasn't long before Flameworx became a full-time endeavor and those friends were watching the business thrive. We increased our advertising and started pursuing some commercial sales as well as continued focus on direct sales, mostly to fellow British Columbians but working our way east into Alberta and as far as Manitoba. Sourcing is key to Flameworx, getting high quality materials at a good price, and we are proud to say that all materials are sourced locally and strive to continue to do so and keep contributing to the local economy Flameworx operates in. We live here, we work here, we play here, we're raising our families here, and want to do all we can to further the already great lifestyle we have here. Flameworx IS Okanagan, and will continue to do it's business in the Okanagan.
Large orders for commercial clients, one for an RV Resort in Southern B.C. and the other for a campground in the Thompson
Looking into the future we hope to expand the business in many aspects. Furthering our commercial relationships, adding to our online presence, furthering the accessibility of our products through key relationships with shipping partners, and international sales are all goals in our 2021 business plan while at the same time still offering the exciting personal experience Flameworx customers have had purchasing direct with us since day one. Did we mention we continue to offer FREE pickup in-store!? Come have a coffee and have a chat when you pick up your new hand-fabricated firepit, we'd be happy to show you the shop!
Robb Tindall
O/O, Flameworx